Over the years, I have invested in hundreds of products and services that have helped me transform and improve my life.
I've invested in everything from online training courses, read hundreds of books, and used many tools and resources to help grow my online businesses. I get asked all the time about what I use and recommend, so I decided to share all of the best online business and self-development resources that I use (or have used).
This page contains all of the best self-development and online business resources that I've benefited from. Whether you want to improve your health or fitness, start an online business, make passive income, or improve your dating or relationships – this page provides tools and resources to help you. I'm constantly updating these resources to keep them up to date.
Some of the links on this page are affiliate links. If you click through it and make a purchase, I will receive a commission. This comes at no extra cost to you.
I only ever endorse products that I have personally used and benefited from.
The Illimitable Men Audiobook by Life Math Money will give you the harsh truth about being a man.A lot of what he has to say might be a slap in the face for some but definitely a wake-up call for many.The underlying theme of this book is power.It will give you the truth that is the following: Most men get used by the system but a small group of men use the system and play by their own rules.I put this book in the “Dating category” but it's a lot more than that. Its about building your power as a man in all aspects of life.
You will learn about:
-Power + Masculinity
-Women+Female Nature
-Social Dynamics
Grondyke Soap company makes soaps infused with proprietary bio-identical pheromone formula. It's high-quality soap that is not only good for your skin but makes you smell more attractive to women. Great product to use every day.
I don't like complex books on weight training, and I like to keep things simple. This book will help you get stronger and bigger with a simple approach to weightlifting and strength. Take what works for you in this book and let the rest go.
Sentinel: Become the Agent in Charge of Your Own Protection Detail – by Patrick McNamara.
As men, we need to make sure we know how to defend ourselves and the people we care about.Pat McNamara is an ex-Delta Force Operator, and he will teach you everything you need to know on how to survive in the modern world.He covers everything from shooting drills, driving techniques, disaster prep, home defense, fitness and a lot of other stuff.In today's world of terrorism and lone wolf attacks, this book is highly recommended.
The Gracie Academy is where I started doing JiuJitsu.They are one of the view BJJ Academies that focus on Street Self Defense. Their foundation course is the Gracie Combatives that was originally taught to the US army. The Combatives will prepare you for Street Self Defense and conflict resolution.
The Gracie University is a great resource to study the whole Gracie JiuJitsu curriculum.If you don't live close to an academy this is a great resource if you can find a partner to train with at home.