“Why Cant I Get A Girlfriend?”

This is the question many men want an answer to.

There are many reasons why men struggle with this part of their lives.

The world has more people than ever before.

Technology has made it easier for us to communicate.

However, all the modern advances have made the dating world more complex.

Understanding social dynamics is more important than ever before.

If you don't date many women or you are struggling to meet the right women then something is wrong.

It also means what you are doing right now is not working.

What does this mean to you?

It means you have to change it.

If you don't change it you will settle for anything you can get and live an unhappy mediocre life.

Success with women is important.

This is true if you are dating many women or just finding one awesome person to have a relationship with.

You can take control of this part of life.

But you need to understand what you are doing wrong.

Then you should get to work and change it.

“Why Cant I Get A Girlfriend?” 

I can probably list 100 reasons why men fail but I will focus on the 20 most important ones.

Let's Answer this Big Question:

(1)Most Men Think Attraction Is A Choice.

Most guys think that they are going to win over women with logic and reason.

They try to talk her into liking him or buy her fancy dinners.

These attempts fail most of the time.

The truth is that attraction isn't a conscious choice she makes.

Women find men attractive for various reasons, but its never a logical reason.

Sure money and success are great, but it's not enough to get a high value, woman.

Women are dominated by emotion and feelings.

Women are going to find you attractive based on the way you make them feel.


(2)They Think Being Themselves Is Enough to Attract Women.

“Being yourself”  is never going to work.

For example, if you are overweight, low in confidence, unhealthy and dress like a bum then you are going to lose if you are “just being yourself”.

You need to improve yourself and create the best version of yourself.

Being yourself” is just an excuse to not evolve as a man.

That person you are now is not “yourself”.

You have been negatively influenced and conditioned for years.

Your parents(even if their intentions were good), friends, family, school teachers, university, and Hollywood all played a role in your view of the world.

A lot of the stuff pushed in your mind kept you small and limited your potential.

Time to break out and create the person you want to become.

By doing that you might just find the real you at the end of this journey called life.

(3)They Take Rejection Personally And Give Identity Meaning To Outside Events.

Guys think if one woman rejects them that it means something.

It means nothing.

It only has the meaning you give to it.

A lot of guys take rejection from a woman as something personal.

They think the women is a representation of what the world thinks of them.

They create internal identity meaning out of her opinion.

Stop giving fucks about her opinion.

It does not matter.

Only your opinion of yourself matters.

So make sure you work on loving yourself.

If you don't respect yourself then who will?

mental toughness

(4)They Haven't Evicted Their Inner Bitch.

Your inner bitch is that part of you that runs at the first sign of friction or resistance.

In business and sales, the inner bitch usually runs at the first sign of your customer showing resistance.

With women and dating it's the part of you that start running for safety when a women resist you or test you.

For example, you walk over to women and start a conversation, she makes a joke about your hair.

It was was a test and your first reaction is to fold like a little bitch.

That is your inner bitch in control.

Another situation is where you see an extremely beautiful woman and you want to meet her.

Your inner bitch convinces you not to even try because you “don't have a chance.”

That is your inner bitch talking.

It's also that part of you that complains and bitches, that way you don't have to be responsible for things.

(5)They Are Not Consistent In Their Efforts.

If you are not being consistent in everything you do then you are losing.

If you want to improve anything in life and this include dating, then get consistent.

Most guys try talking to a girl or asking for a number once and then give up.

You need to become consistent to get long-term success with women.

Don't just do something once, keep doing something until you get the results.

This goes not just for dating, it should be the same for fitness, finances, business, relationship and anything else that is important.

alpha male

(6)They Have A Weak Self- Image.

If you don't see yourself as an awesome human being then how do you expect other people to like you.

If you don't like yourself then you need to start changing that now.

Will it be easy?

No, but it is possible.

You need to stop talking to yourself like you are an asshole.

If you talked to other people the way you talk to yourself then nobody would talk to you.

(7)They Have A Weak Mindset.

Mindset is probably the most important thing on this list.

Mindset also links with number 6 on this list.

You need to create a powerful mindset that creates a powerful reality and identity.

Your mindset is the filter with which you see this world and it is the tool that allows you to accomplish anything you want in this life.

If you get this right then there is nothing you cant do.

Your mindset will determine your success and failure in this life.

It will create the reality you live in.


(8)They Think Looks Don't Matter.

Here is the cold hard truth.

LOOKS MATTER, but not in the way you think.

It's not about genetics, sure that will help if you look like Brad Pitt, but it's not the most important thing.

What matters is what you do with what you have.

The fundamentals are important.

Create the best version of yourself.

So get in shape and stop eating crap.

Start dressing like a man and not a teenager.

Take care of your grooming and hair.

Make sure you take care of your hygiene and health.

Eat well and meditate.

By doing these few things will change the way you look and feel.

This will change the way the world sees you.

(9)They Don't Understand and Accept The Competitive Nature Of A Modern World.

Here is the reality if you don't know it yet.

We live in a hyper-competitive world combined with the fact that we are massively overpopulated in our major cities

In the dating world, this means you have a lot of competition.

So if you think you are going to be successful by just “being yourself” or being average then you are already lost.

You need to work on yourself and improve.

You need to learn and adapt to this new modern world we live in.

Remember what Darwin said, it's not the strongest that survives it is the one that adapts.

A beautiful woman gets approached hundreds of times a day.

That same woman gets a few hundred Tinder likes and other online messages.

She is popular and overwhelmed with attention.

If you don't stand out and get through her screening process then you are done.

(10)They Have A Culture Of Mediocrity In Their Lives.

If your standards are low then every area of your life will be influenced by this culture.

Make no mistake its a culture.

You need to create a culture in your life where mediocrity is not tolerated.

You need to raise your standards in everything.

By just doing that you will see everything in your life change.

(11)They Don't Take Responsibility For Their Current Situation.

Whatever situation you are in now you need to take responsibility for it.

Stop looking for outside things to blame or point fingers at.

It's all you!

This is good news.

Because if its all you then it means you can change it.

Women can sense of a guy is not on top of things.

So make sure you don't shift responsibility for you on something else.


(12)They Are Not On Their Purpose.

A lot of guys think that hot women are only attracted to successful men.

Sure there is some truth to that.

But women are also attracted to guys that are on a mission.

Guys with a purpose.

Guys they can see going after something aggressively is an attractive quality.

And if women see your purpose and vision they will want to be part of that and help you get there.

Women love ambition.

So get on your purpose and start working on making it a reality.

If you don't have one then figure it out.

My purpose is reaching my full potential.

What is yours?


(13)They Don't Learn From Their Failures.

Mistakes are only bad if you don't learn from them.

Sure nobody likes mistakes, but they can become powerful tools if you learn from them.

The problem is most guys keep on making the same mistakes and then wonder why their reality is not changing.

Learn from mistakes and next time do things differently.

(14)They See Themselves As Low Status.

If you walk into a room expecting to be the lowest status guy in the room people will feel it.

They will sense it in the way you carry yourself.

Most of the human communication is with body language.

So you need to start working on your mindset like I said before and you need to start believing that you are high status.

If you don't believe it then the world definitely won't.

(15)They Seek approval from other people.

Stop asking for permission!

Stop looking for approval from other people so they will like you.

In other words, don't be a suck-up so that the group will think you are cool.

You are fooling nobody and you are just making yourself look weak.

Change your frame in life.

Start seeing yourself as the person that gives approval.

(16)They Don't Know They Are Being Tested.

Beautiful women get approached a lot and therefore they need a screening process to cull the herd.

Women test men for 2 reasons.

First, beautiful women get approached a lot.

Second, she has an unconscious way of going into a testing mode to see if the man is confident and strong enough to get through her questions, jokes, and remarks.

This is an evolutionary test, in nature females need to know her man is mentally and physically capable of withstanding hard times.

If he can't then her offspring will not survive.

So even now in modern times women still test men to expose the weak little bitches that run for cover.

For example, she makes a joke about your old car and your first reaction is to get angry and defensive, then you are done.

She will immediately see you freaked out about a little remark by her. She will think,”Another chump, next!”.

where to meet single women

(17)They Live In The Past and Can't Stay In The Moment.

Stop thinking about your past breakups, and disasters.

Shit happens! Learn from those things and let them go.

Most guys run images of some scenario of their past in their mind so they never move on with their lives.

Living in the past is holding you back from success.


Start creating the world you want in the present moment.

The dynamic energy of this universe only exists in the now.

(18)They Don't Enjoy The Process Of Dating.

A lot of guys see dating as this thing they have to get through to get to sleep with the woman.

They hate the whole process.

This means they are in their head the whole time and not just relaxing in the moment with women.

Remember, dating women should be fun.

Women are a lot more sensitive and intuitive than men, women are masters of feelings.

They can sense if you are not there with them enjoying yourself.

And once she figures that out she is going to mentally play with you.

Hot women or 10's like I like to call them, live in their own reality and if you are not relaxed and in control of your reality then she is going to mentally body-slam you.

She is going to have her drink turn around and walk away.

Start enjoying life and the process.

Just make your own reality fun and she will want to be part of it.

(19)They Complain And Don't Accept Reality.

Stop complaining about women and the how full of shit they are.

You need to accept reality the way it is.

Accept women they way they are.

By complaining about it is not going to change things.

Recently there has been some morons shooting people because girls didn't like them.

These cowards could not deal with reality.

They could not accept reality.

They didn't take ownership of their life situation and could not change it.

No, they shifted the blame to women and became a piece of shit that blames others.

Accept reality like a man, find tools and resources and get to work.

You can mold your reality any way you want if you focus and do the hard work necessary.

 why cant i get a girlfriend

(20)They Put Other People First.

Here is a cold hard reality.

You are the most important person in your life.

Not your girlfriend,wife, children, parents or friends.

Sounds cold?

Well if you don't make your success an absolute priority then what is going to happen with those people you care about?

Guess what?

You won't be able to help or improve their lives.

You won't be able to make any impact on this planet.

So become selfish and focus on making yourself strong first.

Then you can help other people.

Your mission is the most important thing. When you put yourself first and start getting obsessed with your success you will attract more women than ever before.

Lead the way and everyone else will follow.