Do Looks Matter? The Ultimate Guide For Men

Do Looks Matter? The Ultimate Guide For Men

Do looks matter? Good Question. There is a mediocre way of thinking especially in the west that accepts the following idea; “Looks dont matter, it's what's inside that is important” Yes, I get it, what's inside is important. But what's on the outside is...
How To Build Mental Health And Happiness

How To Build Mental Health And Happiness

I'm a big believer in the idea that nothing just falls into place by accident. Your mental health is the same. To have a mind that is stable, healthy and in control takes work. Sure you can let things go and you will think you are fine. But soon enough our monkey...
How To Burn Fat And Live A Super Healthy Life

How To Burn Fat And Live A Super Healthy Life

How to burn fat and be more healthy? Good Question right? The Special Forces Operator Tim Kennedy recently tweeted a list on how to burn fat and be more healthy. This list is spot on and I totally agree with Tim. If you do these things you will lose weight, gain...