by John Winters | Aug 20, 2019 | Motivation, Philosophy
The modern world convinced most people that they are not connected to the universe. We live in a modern world and science has established itself as the primary source of knowledge. What is science? Science is a tool for us to get answers. A tool to understand the...
by John Winters | Jun 8, 2019 | Health, Mindset
I'm a big believer in the idea that nothing just falls into place by accident. Your mental health is the same. To have a mind that is stable, healthy and in control takes work. Sure you can let things go and you will think you are fine. But soon enough our monkey...
by John Winters | Apr 23, 2019 | Philosophy, Psychology
Nothing in life is permanent. Everything we value doesn't just magically run the way we want it to. Things you see around you, ideas, your body, and your mind are all in constant motion. Everything is constantly changing. The whole universe is in motion. When it comes...