How To Build An Alpha Mindset

How To Build An Alpha Mindset

Recently I released the audiobook version of my new book Alpha Mindset.  A friend of mine who hasn't read the book yet asked me this question: What is an alpha mindset? So with that in mind, I decided to write these words and answer the question asked to me. What is...
Best Red Pill Books For Dating and Relationships

Best Red Pill Books For Dating and Relationships

Previously I wrote an article about the books every man should read focused on dating. But there are some books I did not include on that list because I didn't see them as dating books, but more like dating psychology books.  Another way to classify these books is to...
The Better Sex Guide For Men

The Better Sex Guide For Men

Sex is one of the strongest drives a human being has.  And sexual energy is behind most of what men do. All your dreams and ambitions are driven by sexual energy. When a man is healthy both physically and mentally he channels a strong stream of sexual energy and knows...
Why You Have To Stop Negotiating With Yourself

Why You Have To Stop Negotiating With Yourself

A few weeks ago I read a social media post from the legendary Navy Seal David Goggins. He was talking about the reason why most people stay in the same bad position for most of their lives. He said that they are stuck in the negotiation phase with themselves. And then...
How To Overcome Anxiety And Panic

How To Overcome Anxiety And Panic

When humans start panicking mistakes get made. We all go into times of panic due to circumstances that life throws at us. Unfortunetly most people are not equipped to deal with the intense pressure that leads to panic. This panic unfortunetly has all kinds of negative...
What Do Women Want From Men?

What Do Women Want From Men?

As a man, your behavior will determine your level of success with women. Your results are a reflection of the value you bring to the table. Of course, you need to take action and be in the right environment to get an accurate reflection of your value. However, if you...
How To Be Fearless

How To Be Fearless

One thing that stands out in current times is fear.  Yes, fear has always been there. But it seems like it's a constant these days.  But this is not new.  We have gone through a relatively good time in the last 50 years.  Fear has been around but nothing like what is...
How To Find A Self Confidence Formula

How To Find A Self Confidence Formula

Finding a Self Confidence formula is a very popular topic online. And the usual angle to discuss or resolve the issue is to come from an abstract angle. An abstract solution to a very common problem for a lot of people. People usually start talking about a lot of...
How To Become A Digital Solopreneur

How To Become A Digital Solopreneur

I started my first business because I hated working for someone else. I hated to go to work in the morning doing something I hated. I know I'm not unique in this situation. There are millions of people around the world that feel the same way. But there is one...