Do you need a no fap motivation?
If most men knew the no fap benefits they would quit fapping immediately.
The reality that most men don't know is that 15-20% of men in the world get 80% of the women.
This is not a new statistic. This is the way things have always been.
Now there are a few reasons for this but today I want to talk about one of the big reasons most men don't get their fair share of women.
The reason most men don't get many or any women is that they masturbate too much.Most of their lives is about fapping.
The problem with too much fapping is that it doesn't just create a shortage of women, it creates a shortage of value in your life.
Your sperm is not just seed to make babies.
It's your life energy that creates everything you see around you.
This life (sexual ) energy drive men to do great things and achieve tremendous things in life.
All energy is sexual energy.
No Fap Motivation: Too Much Fapping In Modern Society.
Too much masturbation is a big problem in modern society.
This is a worldwide problem.
Hell, it's more than a problem its an epidemic.
OK, I can hear many men saying “But John everyone is doing it.”
And my answer to that is “Exactly, everyone is doing that. That is why most men are not getting laid”.
Even if you don't want to date many women and only want to have a relationship with one woman then masturbation is still fucking up your relationship. But we will talk about that later
But for now let's start with one of the biggest reasons why men masturbate so much and why we have a porn addiction that is crushing men and their relationships around the world.It's about compulsive sexual behavior that damages men around the world.
This is about the negative effects on your life and the people around you.
That is why I'm writing this.
It's not a lecture.
It's about telling you what I know about porn and what happened to me when I stopped.
Also when I say stop watching porn I don't mean you should not page through playboy magazine.
What I'm talking about is porn addiction.
So I'm not saying live like a monk.
I'm saying be more effective in your life habits and then see everything else improve.
Why Porn Sucks.(In more ways than you think)
Most men in the modern world watch porn.
To be exact 70% of men in the world have compulsive sexual behavior and watches porn regularly.
And this is a conservative estimation.
The average man visits a porn site 8 times a month.
Many watch several times a day.
Some Porn websites receive more regular traffic than Netflix and Twitter combined every month.
Eleven porn websites are among the world’s top 300 most popular Internet websites.
The most popular website, at number 18, outranks the likes of eBay, MSN, and Netflix (2016 statistics)
Most men that read this would say “I'm not addicted to porn”.
And my answer to that would be “OK,go without porn for 2 weeks”.
If you can go without porn for 2 weeks then you are not addicted.
I would bet most would not go without porn for a few days.
A lot of men have to watch fap porno every day.
After years of watching porn it gets to the point where standard porn is not good enough anymore.
So they go into more hardcore and weird stuff with violence and other fetishes.
And when the weird porn don't get you off anymore it goes to the next level.
Some guys start watching the weirdest and nastiest stuff in the world just to get hard.
It's a dead-end and leaves you an empty shell of a man.
It leaves you weak.
So now many of you are saying “But John porn is cool and I watch every day.”
OK, well let's go into more specifics into why porn is bad for you.
Why Fapping To Porn Is So Bad For You.
(1)You Become Weak.
Porn makes you weak and drains your vital life energy.
You lose motivation to do things.
And it makes you forget about the dreams and goals you have for your life.
Every time you wack and drop your sperm on the ground you wasted your seed on a virtual wack that means nothing.
You fucked your hand and that is it.
(2)You Don't Go Out And Talk To Women.
You lose motivation to date and socialize with women and have sex in the real world.
You get stuck in this weird virtual reality where nothing is real and you waste your energy on nothing.
The most powerful people in the world figured out the secret of sexual energy.
When you have sex with someone you get some of their energy and you empower your own energy by combining it with others.
There is a reason sex is great and it's not just making babies.
You can get creative energy form others and use it in your own life.
Most powerful people, artists, actors, inventors, entrepreneurs know that if they have lots of sex they do some of their best work.
(3)Porn Creates An Unrealistic World About Sex.
When you watch porn and you see some stud with a giant penis that is rock hard and fucking for hours something weird happens in your brain.
That something weird is that you start thinking that it's real.
You start thinking that that is how most men have sex.
You start thinking many men have giant cocks that can go for hours and fuck girls in the ass without a condom.
The reality is most porn stars don't drag girls in from the street and fuck them.
They are actors and all do STD tests.
Then the guy pops a Viagra or some kind of cock pill to stay hard all afternoon for all the scenes he has to do.
He might have to go again if he shoots his load too early.
And his cock size is not average, he is probably an exception to the rule and that is why he started doing porn.
The point is that the world of porn is not real.
It's an artificial reality that drives compulsive sexual behavior and sex addiction.
But the problem is many men have developed self-esteem issues.
They don't think their cocks are big enough or don't think they can go long enough.
Porn is not normal life.
It's an artificial reality.
Therefore porn is terrible for human development.
(4)Porn Has The Same Effect On The Brain As Some Drugs.
When you start watching porn you get a dopamine hit in response to the excitement.
Dopamine is a powerful substance that the human body releases in response to an addictive substance or activity.
Its the same feeling people get when they get a like on an Instagram post.
They want more of those likes.
It feels good.
So when you get excited watching porn you get a hit of dopamine and you feel pretty good.
Addiction in humans cannot develop without high but brief bursts of dopamine in response to an addictive substance or activity.
So if you start watching porn over long periods of time the dopamine hits get stronger over time.
(5)Your Sex-life Goes Down the Drain.
The reality is that if you have lots of sex you won't watch porn.
Guys who are addicted to porn don't have any motivation to have sex with women.
They don't want to deal with the hassle of going out and talking to another human when they can wack on porn.
The truth is that porn addiction is a loser activity that groups you in with the 95% of losers that get nothing.
Pornography consumption is the biggest cock blocker in your life.
The sad reality is that when a lot of these men do meet a women they deal with premature ejaculation caused by their porn addiction.
Porn does a lot of damage to men's health.
(6)You Can't Get Hard.
Porn creates an unrealistic world in the men's minds that every woman they fuck have to be a extremely beautiful woman with big boobs, an amazing body with the sex skills of a master.
And if that is not the case they can't get hard.
Their porn addiction has now caused a loss of self control.
A lot of men have this problem and it destroys relationships and marriages.
Why Stop Masturbation?
OK, so Porn is not good for you and porn addiction is a big problem.
But let's look at more reasons masturbation by itself does more harm than good.
And also let's look at what benefits you will get from giving up masturbation or drastically reducing it.
Let's look at why semen retention is a powerful idea and a big no fap motivation.
Benefits Of Nofap And No Fap Rules
(1)You Will Become More Attractive To Women.
All energy is sexual energy.
Therefore every time you whack you lose your most vital energy.
You give it up and your body and mind sense this loss.
More importantly, women sense this weakness.
Women evolved to sense when a man is full of testosterone and sexual energy.
They pick this up on an unconscious level.
When you are weak, empty (no sperm) and emotional women immediately classify you as a beta on a subconscious level and lose attraction and interest.
Jacking off before a date does not make it easier.
You lose your edge and intensity if you jack off before a date.
And the worst thing is on a subconscious level she senses your drop-in testosterone and your lack of intensity.
You think that if you whack before you go out that it is going to put you over the top and keep you calm and collective.
But what really happens is that she senses you are weak and empty.
She will not feel attraction for you.
Always remember there is a lot more to attraction than just looks.
Women have a highly evolved sense of body language, smell and speech that tells them about the sexual quality of potential mates.
This evolved ability is there to weed out weakness potential bad genes for her offspring.
And if you are running on empty it will tell her on a subconscious level that you are low value and beta.
Alphas walk around with loaded guns ready to go.
And even if they just had sex women can sense it with the same evolved abilities.
Men who just had sex give of a different body scent than a guy who whacked it.
Women's bodies evolved genius ability to be able to tell if a man was jacking off or having sex.
Women sense this so don't even try to hide it.
They might not know it on a conscious level but on a subconscious level they sense it.
That's why women will sometimes say things like “I dont know why but he just not hot”.
Women say these things when an attractive guy doesn't do it for them but they don't know why.
Women have an incredible sense of smell that scan potential sexual partners.
She will sense you new no fap confidence.
(2)Your Testosterone Levels Will Get Higher.
Some studies have shown that reducing or eliminating masturbation raises your testosterone levels.
You might feel that its difficult to sleep with a raging hard erection but once you get used to it you will feel your testosterone levels rising and your energy levels going off the charts.
You will jump out of bed ready to take on the world.The health benefits of having higher testosterone should be a big no fap motivation.
Remember the lower your testosterone levels get the higher your chances for prostate cancer.
Talk to your healthcare professional about testing your testosterone levels.
(3)You Will Become More Outgoing And Social.
When you masturbate too much you lose motivation to go out and meet people.
But once you drop the habit you get back your drive to go out and meet new people.When you stop fapping the brain region that controls motivation gets activated again.
You will find a lot more motivation to approach women and start a conversation.
You will feel your testosterone pushing you through any nervousness about approaching someone and you will feel your energy go through the roof.
(4)You Will Fuck The World (Be more creative).
“Sex Transmutation is the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature.”– Napoleon Hill
When you hold on to your sexual energy it will be channeled to other creative areas.
You will feel more creative in your job, profession or business.
You will see yourself fucking the world with your creative energy.
Most people don't realize how creative they really are until they stop masturbating.
You will feel motivated to get things done.
And if you are in a place in life that you are not happy with then by stopping masturbating you might find the spark you need to transform your life.
Channel that sexual energy into transforming yourself into the type of man that women naturally find attractive.
Semen retention will give you superpowers.
(5)You Will Get Powerful Erections.
As mentioned before porn creates all kinds of havoc in your brain and body. Porn is terrible for your sexual health.
One of the problems is that men struggle to get hard when they are with women in real life.
They struggle because they have been watching weird sex with hot women that are totally unrealistic.
But after a few weeks of not masturbating, you will feel your erections returning and getting stronger and stronger.
(6)Your Sex Life Will Improve Dramatically.
When you have porn addiction your sex life suffers and loses intensity.
But when you stop masturbating and your sexual energy builds up you will feel the tension building up before sex.
You will feel the passion and tension in your sexual experiences return.
The women with you will feel it and they will love it.
In a world of dullness and boring experiences women senses when a man is into her and senses his raw sexual energy.
(7)Your Relationship Will Improve.
If you are in a long term relationship or marriage you will see your relationship improve when you stop masturbating.
You don't want to be the guy secretly watching porn and whacking while your wife is sleeping.
If you commit to stop whacking your girl will sense your higher testosterone and raging erections.
She will see you going after your goals, career or job and see your efforts in the real world and that will spark attraction.
She will see you suddenly getting fit and working out and this will also spark more attraction.
(8)You Will More Clear Minded.
No longer will you live in this cloud of uncertainty.
When you stop whacking every day you will feel your thoughts becoming more clear.
You will start feeling more in control and will find direction in your life.
One of the problems with too much whacking is that you become indifferent about life and go into periods of brain fog and confusion.
When you stop fapping you get back your clear thinking and start building your confidence step by step.
The mental health benefits of no fap are massive.
(9)Control Of Your Emotions.
As mentioned earlier you will have increased testosterone levels when you stop masturbating.
This will increase even more when you combine it with weight training and a healthy diet.
This will all contribute to feeling more in control and less emotional.
You will not react to stupid things happening around you and you will deal with obstacles from a position of power.
You won't react to the world.
The world will react to your calm masculine presence.
When you have high levels of testosterone combined with your loaded sexual energy you will react with reason and logic to anything that comes your way.
This will be in contrast with most other men that are walking around whacked empty, loaded with soy and living an unhealthy lifestyle.
You will stand out to women and be more attractive.
“The transmutation of sex energy calls for the exercise of will-power. If it is not transmuted into some creative effort it will find a less worthy outlet.” – Napoleon Hill
Think about all the years you have been whacking off.
And then think about what it gave you?
What benefits have you gotten except the quick high of an average orgasm?
And everybody knows fapping orgasms are not on the same level as sex orgasms.
Pornography addiction is a sad fake reality.
It's sexual behavior that holds you back.
That being said what do you have to lose with experimenting with giving up masturbation?
One thing is for certain you will start feeling the benefits of no fap within days of stopping your fapping habit.
Your sexual health will improve and your whole life will get better.
You will immediately start feeling like a hunter again.
A man on a mission.
And that is what it's all about.
A man with a mission has a drive.
And when you have a drive your life gets filled up with purpose.
Then your hunger for life returns and possibilities start appearing out of nowhere.You will feel your new no fap motivation driving you forward.
Don't underestimate the power of stopping masturbation.
Always remember that all energy is sexual energy.
And if you can channel your energy towards the right things and get a no fap guide you can transform your life.